A regular and well-balanced diet is important both for physical and mental health, and necessary to cope with the demands of student life. There is a lot of advice on how to cook nutritious food that is cheap and tastes good.

Food and meals are a part of life and a requirement for feeling good and being able to cope with studies and other things that are important to you. Eating a varied diet and spacing meals evenly throughout the day gives you a routine for your eating habits, thus keeping your blood sugar and mood at an even level. Make sure to take breaks during your study day and fill up with energy!
Why do you need to eat for well-being?
Your need for energy and nutrients varies with age, gender, activity and health. There is no single food that contains all the nutrients you need. You need to eat a variety of foods.
Aim to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Preferably have a couple of snack breaks too. Try to compose meals that include:
- Fruit and vegetables
- Healthy fats
- Carbohydrates, preferably fibre-rich
- Proteins
On the Swedish Food Agency website,, you will find tips and advice on what constitutes a good and nutritious diet.
Your brain needs food to function
Just as you must eat well and get sufficient exercise if you are to perform well, your brain needs energy to function. However, even though this is obvious to many people, we tend to forget it when under stress to complete an assignment on time. Remember to eat properly – even when faced with a deadline. It will help you perform better!
When you don’t have the time or energy
In stressful times or when your life or health isn’t at its best, it can be difficult to manage your eating habits in a good way, even though that’s when it’s really most important. Both what and how much we eat can change when we don’t feel good, which in turn can affect our energy and ability to concentrate. To prevent this, it’s good to create food routines that you can stick to even in periods when life feels extra demanding. This may involve, for example, cooking a big batch of food and storing portions in the freezer or having food that can easily be heated.