About studenthälsa.se

Studenthälsa.se collects facts, advice and guides for self-help in student health in one place. Here you can also access recorded lectures, real stories from students and exercises that can help you as a student to feel better.

On behalf of the government, LiU, SU and UHR developed studenthälsa.se - a national website for student health. Everything related to student health is gathered here in one place.

This is studenthälsa.se

Studenthälsa.se is a complement for the student health services at the universities around the country, by giving advice and tips on help for self-help for students to achieve a more sustainable student life.

Via studenthälsa.se, employees will also access a additional part of the site to be able to share experiences, materials and discuss student health. There is also the opportunity for skills development and exchange of knowledge and experience between the employees at higher education institutions.

The goal is to make student health available to all students in Sweden.

See something that isn't right?

Have you found something that isn´t right or broken links? Perhaps you have an idea regarding content for the site?

Get in touch with the editors:

Denise Granat