Are you a doctoral student?

As a doctoral student, you can be both a student and an employee. Higher education institutions may differ in how they offer preventive health care for doctoral students. Find out what applies to you. 

Regardless of the form of employment or study, doctoral students often struggle with the same things as other students, and you are welcome to read the content here at studenthä

  • As a doctoral student at a university or university college, you can be an employee, a scholarship holder or, in some cases, have a doctoral grant. Access to preventive health care for doctoral students differs between the country’s higher education institutions. 
  • As an employee of a higher education institution, you are often offered occupational health care from your institution, but sometimes you are referred to the student health service.
  • As an employee of an employer other than your higher education institution, you may sometimes be offered occupational health care by your employer. Your employer’s human resources division should be able to answer questions regarding this. 
  • If you are a scholarship holder, you have access to occupational health care in some cases, and in other cases to student health services. Your department or equivalent should be able to answer where you should turn. 

If there is any ambiguity regarding preventive health care, you can ask the student union, the doctoral student advisor or your trade union for help.

A guide to doctoral studies in Sweden