How to seek medical care in Sweden
Healthcare in Sweden is governed by different areas called regions. Depending on which region you live in, the range of health care centres may vary. However, you can always call the healthcare helpline - 1177 - or visit

A healthcare centre (vårdcentral in swedish) is staffed by doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. They can help if you are sick or not feeling well in any other way.
Call 1177 if you are unsure where to seek care. You can choose to speak Swedish or English. The nurse who answers the 1177 helpline can also give you advice on what you can do yourself to feel better.
Book an appointment at a health care centre
If you have a swedish social security number, you can contact your local health care centre to book an appointment with a doctor, counsellor or other caregiver. You pay the same fee for your appointment as other swedish citizens.
If you do not have a swedish social security number, neither a health insurance that covers the type of healthcare that you need, you can also book an appointment at your local health care centre and other medical centres, but at an unsubsidized fee.
If you are under the age of 23 (at certain centres the age of 25 applies), you can visit a youth guidance centre (Ungdomsmottagning) in your area, free of charge. There you can book an appointment with a counsellor or a midwife. At some centres you can also book an appointment with a psychologist or a gynecologist.