During the exam
- Begin by taking a moment to try to gather yourself. Try to have a permissive attitude toward feelings of worry and anxiety. “It’s okay that it feels like this right now.”, “This is how my body and brain tell me this is important and get me ready.” If necessary, you can do a breathing or focus exercise.
- Take a moment to plan how to go about the exam. Read the questions, calculate the approximate time for each question, decide in what order you want to answer them. If you’re overwhelmed by a question or think you don’t know the answer, you can save it for last.
- If it feels helpful, you can note short points on each question where you gather your immediate thoughts, which you can then develop when it’s time to answer the question.
- Try to ignore how slowly or quickly others write or hand in their exams.
- Take small breaks to eat, drink or collect yourself when you need to.
- When you need to gather your thoughts, you can do a breathing or focus exercise that you usually experience as helpful. You can then direct your attention to the question you want to answer. Try to narrow your perspective from worrying about the future to what you are able to influence right now. Do this out of consideration for yourself and because you want what’s best for you.