Explanation model

This model shows a way to understand what happens when we experience anxiety and how problematic patterns can persist.

Situation: Studying for a hall exam

Stress surge

We experience a stress surge (describe with examples of thoughts, feelings, bodily reactions).

Various attempts to deal with the situation

Often in the form of avoidance and safety behaviours – these examples are best applicable to situations before the exam – during the exam strong anxiety and blackout may be perceived to be the main obstacles – something psychoeducative is needed to deal with this happening, i.e. trying to calm this down using calm breathing and/or some exercise that focuses thoughts on the here and now, preferably something you have tried many times before the exam. (Give examples).

Short term consequences 

In the short term, these lead to temporary anxiety relief, or a feeling of increased control. This is very reinforcing and in similar situations in the future makes us deal with the situation in a similar way.

Long term consequences 

In the long term, these strategies contribute to feeding the problem – we become stuck in short-term avoidance. The next time we face a similar situation, the fear is just as strong. Through our SB and avoidances, we also teach the brain to continue associating exams with danger and anxiety, and that our thoughts and feelings are “true.”

Breaking a negative pattern

So, how can we break this negative pattern? We can’t influence the anxiety surge and the thoughts and feelings that come automatically in a triggering situation, but we can influence our actions. We need to pay attention to what our thoughts and feelings suggest, and choose our behaviour carefully. This often means trying to do the opposite of what the stress reaction tells us to do.

In the short term, it will be harder to stay in a triggering situation, but in the longer term it can actually become easier. By practising to allow difficult thoughts and feelings, we can become more confident and trust ourselves more to handle this, which means that our stress reaction can subdue over time. Remember to have a friendly and compassionate attitude toward yourself throughout the process. Read more about what you can do differently under "Strategies".



Read more about how to deal with your exam anxiety


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